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Corrugated metal roofing on a house with a blue sky behind it by Bryan Exteriors

Choosing suitable roofing materials is essential for the longevity and appearance of your home. Metal roofing is known for its durability, energy efficiency, and visual appeal, making it a popular choice for homeowners in Des Moines and nearby areas. Bryan Exteriors provides expert guidance and installation services to help you choose the best metal roof for your needs. In this article, we’ll provide an overview of metal roof types and materials to consider.

Standing Seam Metal Roofs

Standing seam metal roofs feature raised seams that interlock, offering a sleek, modern appearance. They are highly durable, weather resistant, and low-maintenance, ideal for heavy rain or snow areas. These qualities make them an excellent option for homeowners in the Des Moines metro area.

Metal Shingles

Metal shingles replicate the look of traditional materials like slate or wood but offer the benefits of metal. They are highly resistant to wind and fire and come in various colors and styles. Visit Bryan Exteriors’ roofing services page to explore different styles for our home.

Corrugated Metal Panels

These are a cost-effective choice, known for their wavy pattern that adds strength and durability. They are lightweight, easy to install, and provide excellent weather protection. This type of metal roof is suitable for sheds, barns, or modern homes seeking a unique look.

Metal Tiles

Metal tiles replicate traditional clay or concrete tiles but are lighter and more durable. They resist cracking and warping, making them an excellent choice for distinctive, long-lasting roofing.

Aluminum Roofing

Aluminum roofing is highly resistant to corrosion and is ideal for high-humidity environments. It is lightweight and energy efficient, reflects heat, and helps to reduce cooling costs.

Copper Roofing

Copper roofing offers a unique aesthetic that evolves over time from a bright finish to a green patina. Though more expensive than other materials, its longevity and distinct appearance make it a valuable investment. Explore premium roofing options on Bryan Exteriors’ metal roofing page.


Metal roofing offers various options to suit any home style or budget. From standing seam to metal shingles, Bryan Exteriors is here to guide you. Our experienced team brings over 50 years of collective expertise to every job, focusing on superior craftsmanship and unparalleled customer support. Specializing in roofing and other exterior renovations, we guarantee dependable services and the use of high-quality materials. Our hassle-free, transparent estimates allow clients to embark on their projects with clarity and confidence.

For more information about our company or the products and services we provide, or to schedule your free estimate, contact us via our website or give us a call at 515-207-5670. We look forward to serving you!