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Experienced Local Home Improvement Specialists

Bryan Exteriors is a newly established exterior home improvement and remodeling company that has been providing trusted services since 2019. However, what we don’t lack is experience. Our founders, brothers Troy and Marc Bryan have more than 50 years of combined experience in the construction industry. To say they know their stuff is an understatement. The brothers set out on their own to take control of their client experience to ensure that the work and customer service they received was up to the Bryan’s high standards. What drives our company to continue to offer the best is the joy we get from the excited look on our customers’ faces when they see the amazing transformations of their homes.

Green house with tree in front of it and swing attached to tree.

Our Mission

Our goal is to be an industry-leading specialty contractor while providing first-class customer service for homeowners and businesses throughout the metro Des Moines area. We offer value to our customers, employees, and vendors by delivering residential remodeling and exterior project services by highly trained professionals using products manufactured by trusted names in construction. Our family-oriented philosophy places honesty at the top of our priority list to ensure your family feels comfortable doing business with us.

Beautiful white and grey house with rooftop

Why Choose Us?

As a small, locally operated business, you’ll benefit from direct interaction with our owners to ensure your expectations are met. No matter what service you hire us for, there will be a supervisor on-site to oversee your project every day. Other reasons to choose us include:

  • Five decades of combined experience
  • Free estimates
  • Free product delivery
  • Military discounts
  • High-quality products
  • Certified installers on every job
  • Generous warranties
  • Family-owned business
  • We are shingle roofing specialists

We’re Honored to Earn Your Business

We understand property owners have options when choosing a home services company, and we’re grateful for the opportunity to serve you. We hope Bryan Exteriors becomes your #1 choice for your house projects, and we promise to deliver professional installation, top-notch products, and honest customer service. And don’t forget to visit Bryan Flooring, our sister company, for all your flooring needs. Contact us for a free estimate today.

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