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Professional, Quality Siding Replacement

House siding is a material that covers the exterior of your home, offering protection and also a decorative function. Installing exterior siding will reduce the risk of damage from rain, wind, hail, snow, and other elements. Depending on the type of siding you choose, siding can also improve your home’s energy-efficiency, curb appeal, and value. At Bryan Exteriors, we believe that siding installation is a wise investment in the value and lifespan of your home. We specialize in vinyl siding installation and siding replacement in Des Moines, Omaha, and the surrounding communities. Call us today to schedule a consultation or request a free estimate for exterior siding installation.

Explore What We Can Do for You

High-Quality Siding Service in Des Moines, IA

Part of what makes us the top choice for siding is that we give our customers lots of options. We know that your home is unique. We know that our customers are not only looking to match the aesthetic of their homes; they want to complement them at the same time. Take a look at the types of siding we can install for you:

  • Hardie Plank Siding – Hardie is an industry-leading, reliable manufacturer. When you choose Hardie Siding, you get excellent warranties and a wealth of colors to match the look of your home.
  • LP SmartSiding – LP SmartSiding comes in 16 fantastic colors and is quickly installed. Plus, its products are sourced and made sustainably, so you don’t have to worry about your impact on the environment when you choose it.
  • Vinyl Siding – Generally, vinyl siding installation is one of the best options. It’s very easy to clean, can last between 20 and 30 years, and the colors are varied. Vinyl siding is much more resistant to pest infestation and rot than other siding materials.
Hardie® Plank Siding – Hardie is an industry-leading, reliable manufacturer. When you choose Hardie Siding, you get excellent warranties and a wealth of colors to match the look of your home.
LP® Smartside® – LP SmartSiding comes in 16 fantastic colors and is quickly installed. Plus, its products are sourced and made sustainably, so you don’t have to worry about your impact on the environment when you choose it.
Vinyl Siding  – Generally, vinyl siding installation is one of the best options. It’s very easy to clean, can last between 20 and 30 years, and the colors are varied. Vinyl siding is much more resistant to pest infestation and rot than other siding materials.

Our Siding Installation & Siding Replacement Services

We begin each exterior siding consultation with a full assessment and inspection of the condition of the home’s siding. We will look for signs of damage, imperfections, fading, peeling, and other problems. We will then discuss your house siding options with you so you can make an informed decision. We specialize in quality, professional siding replacement and new siding installation. We have decades of experience in exterior siding, and we can help you choose the best type of siding for our climate, and for your needs, goals, personal design aesthetic, and budget. We offer free estimates for house siding options, and our goal is to provide the highest quality materials and workmanship to each customer. Bryan Exteriors want their customers to feel comfortable working with us, so our free estimates give you the chance to see if we’re the right fit for your siding replacement or new siding installation needs.

Signs You Should Consider New Siding Installation

With the proper care and maintenance, exterior siding can last 20 years or more. The lifespan of your home’s siding depends on the quality of the siding, the climate, and the type of siding you choose. Even with routine maintenance and siding repairs, you will eventually need siding replacement or new siding installation. Call us today if you notice any of these signs your exterior siding needs replacement:

  • More than one panel of exterior siding is bubbling, blistering, rippling, or warping.
  • Dents, chips, cracks, or missing pieces.
  • Significant damage from pests or animals.
  • Extreme fading.
  • Energy bills have increased without an increase in usage.
  • Extreme rot.
  • You’re spending a lot of time and money on house siding maintenance.
  • Signs of moisture, condensation, mildew, mold, or algae.
  • You plan on selling your home.


Our Other Services

Our licensed and insured contractors offer a wide range of home improvement services to our community. We value hard work, and work closely with each customer to ensure that the quality of our work exceeds our customers’ expectations. Call us today for more information about our other residential services:

Request a Free Estimate for House Siding Options

Call us today or contact us online to request a free estimate for siding replacement or siding installation in Des Moines and Omaha. We have extensive experience in exterior siding, and we are fully licensed and insured. We are committed to using high-quality materials from the world’s best manufacturers, as well as providing exceptional customer service to each and every customer.

Call for an Estimate