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Storm Damage Roof Repair in Des Moines, IA

Your home’s roof provides protection against the elements, and here in Des Moines, IA, that often means protecting your home and family from storms. Even the best maintained roofs can suffer from rain, wind, or snow damage, leading to the need for roof storm damage repair in Des Moines, IA. When that happens, you can always count on storm damage roof inspection and repair services from Bryan Exteriors.

What Is Storm-Related Roof Damage?

From strong winds to heavy rains, storms can expose your roofing to severe weather conditions. Even newer roofs in great condition can suffer from storm-related damage depending on the severity of the weather. Common types of storm-related roof damage include:

  • Wind Damage – During a storm, heavy winds can lead to falling objects that cause damage. But did you know that the wind itself can also cause damage? High winds can loosen roof shingles, even causing them to fall completely off the roof, creating the need for wind damage roof repair.
  • Hail Damage – Hail can easily cause damage to your roof, no matter the storm’s severity. Our hail damage roof repair service is ready to help you repair any issues.
  • Tree or Tree Limb Damage – Wind, rain, and lightning can severely damage trees during a storm. This type of damage can lead to trees or tree limbs falling on your roof, resulting in significant damage.
  • Heavy Rainwater Damage – Even if it is not cold enough to snow, heavy rainwater can also cause similar issues requiring storm roof repair. Rain can damage the shingles and add to gutter clogs. Water can also lead to issues such as cracks, leaks, and mold.
  • Snow Damage – Snowstorms can also be dangerous for your roofing. Snow can build up on the roof, causing it to collapse. Even without a significant buildup, snow on your roof can lead to issues such as ice dams, cracks, leaks, mold, and gutter damage.
Close up of Damaged roof top

Our Storm Damage Roof Repair Services

If you are dealing with storm-related roof damage, you can rely on the professionals here at Bryan Exteriors. We will send a team to your home to thoroughly and carefully inspect the roof using our comprehensive roofing inspection checklist to discover all signs of damage. Next, we will determine whether roof repair or roof replacement is the best option and design a plan of action. We will complete your roof repair or replacement needs as quickly and efficiently as possible, so you can get back to enjoying your property.

What to Do After a Storm

It is easy to feel overwhelmed when you experience storm damage to the roof, which is why it’s a good idea to prepare by learning what you should do after a storm. If you notice water damage, leaking, or any other issues after a storm, follow these steps:

  • Stay on the ground but look at your roof for any signs of possible damage. Do not go up on the roof, as this can be dangerous and should only be done by professionals. If possible, take pictures of signs of damage you can see from the ground, as these will be helpful when contacting our team.
  • Move or cover belongings inside your home as needed to avoid more water damage.
  • Contact our roof repair company and set up a roof inspection.

Discover Our Other Services

Along with storm inspections and storm damage roof repair, we also provide a range of services to help you keep your property in great condition. Our other services include:

  • Siding – We provide quality siding replacement to keep all exterior surfaces of your property attractive and protected from the elements.
  • Exterior Painting – Refresh your home’s exterior with our exterior painting services!
  • Window and Door Installation – Whether you need to replace damaged windows or doors, want a more energy-efficient space, or simply want a fresh look, we can help install new windows and doors.
  • Interior Remodeling – Let us help you design and create the home interior you’ve always wanted.

Contact Us Today

Are you concerned about roof storm damage in Des Moines, IA? If so, you can contact Bryan Exteriors today. We can take care of your storm roofing repair needs and help you maintain other parts of your property.

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