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Quality, Professional Exterior Painting

Investing in exterior house painting will give your home a much-needed facelift, improving its curb appeal, aesthetics, and overall value. Painting your home’s exterior also gives you a chance to choose a color that appeals to your overall aesthetics and complements your home decor. At Bryan Exteriors, we specialize in quality, professional exterior painting in Des Moines, IA. We work closely with each customer to ensure that our exterior painting services meet their needs and goals, add value to their home, and achieve their overall vision of what they want their home to be. Call us today to schedule a free estimate for exterior home painting.

Exterior Painting Service in Des Moines, IA

When Should I Invest in Exterior House Painting?

You should invest in exterior house painting if it will improve the appearance, comfort, curb appeal, aesthetics, and value of your home. Over time, the paint on your home or exterior siding may fade, peel, crack, flake off, or otherwise diminish in appearance. This could affect the way you see your home, as well as neighbors’ and visitors’ opinion of your home. It may even reduce your home’s value or result in fines from your homeowner’s association. Call us today to get a free estimate for exterior painting services if you notice any of these issues with your home’s paint job:

  • Fading or discoloration.
  • Damage like flaking, chipping, peeling, or cracking.
  • Grime, mold, or mildew.
  • Graffiti or vandalism.
Exterior Painting Service in Des Moines, IA

Preparing for Exterior Home Painting

There are a few things you can do to prepare for exterior home painting:

  • Clean the outside of your home – We recommend that you start by cleaning your home’s exterior. You can rent a power washer or schedule an appointment with a power washing company. This will remove dirt, grime, stains, mold, mildew, animal droppings, and peeling paint.
  • Repair exterior damage – You can start by repairing any exterior damage to your home or siding. You can have our home renovation contractors sand off old paint, prime the surfaces for painting, and replace broken or damaged pieces of wood, plaster, siding, stucco, and more.
  • Reseal and recaulk – Next, you should reseal and recaulk areas as-needed. This will extend the lifespan of your paint job, and protect your home from future damage.
  • Cover your landscaping – Finally, on the day of your appointment, you should protect your landscaping with tarps. You can also use house wrapping for exterior lighting, security cameras, and anything else that needs protection.

Choosing Paint Colors

You don’t need to be a design expert to choose the best paint colors for your home. Here are a few tips to get you started:

  • Research which colors are most likely to increase the value of your home.
  • Look at other homes on your street or in your neighborhood to see which colors are most popular.
  • Look at online design blogs and Pinterest boards to see what colors look best for homes similar to yours.
  • Ask your home improvement contractor for an opinion on the best color for a home like yours in your area or neighborhood.
  • Look for paint colors that are timeless and will look good even as they age or if you change other elements of your home’s exterior.
  • Try to stay away from trendy or unusual colors that will annoy your neighbors or affect the value of homes in your area.

How Often Should You Schedule Exterior Painting Services?

You should schedule exterior painting services if your home’s paint is damaged, or is faded, peeling, cracking, or discolored. You might also consider exterior painting if you plan on selling your home in the future, or if you have gotten complaints from neighbors or your HOA about your home’s appearance. You might also want to repaint your home if you are tired of the color you chose last time, if you’re just moving into a new home, or if you want an affordable way to make your home more attractive and appealing. In general, exterior paint jobs last around 5-10 years, depending on the weather and climate in your region, and the maintenance and upkeep you commit to.

Our Other Services

We have a team of experienced, licensed home renovation contractors who specialize in exterior and interior home improvement services. Our goal is to help each customer create their dream home by improving the value, comfort, functionality, and aesthetics of the home. Call us today if you need any of these home renovation services:

Call Us for Residential or Commercial Exterior Painting

Call us today or contact us online to request a free estimate for residential or commercial exterior painting in Des Moines, IA. We can guide you through every step of the process by helping you pick out the right color, repairing damage to your home’s exterior, prepping the area for painting, washing all surfaces, and protecting your landscape and property. We work efficiently yet meticulously to ensure that the end result exceeds your expectations.

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