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Metal Roof Installation in Central Iowa

When it comes time to replace the roof on your home or choose a material for a newly constructed house, you might be surprised to learn there’s much more to consider than just the color. The material and style of it not only add to the architectural design, but the options provide various levels of protection. Our team at Bryan Exteriors specializes in roof installation, and we can help explain the benefits of choosing metal if it’s within your budget. Looking for the ultimate protection for your home? Contact us to learn more about metal roof options.

Metal Roof Service in Des Moines, IA

Metal Roof Styles

Metal roofs are available in various patterns and styles. While metal is the main component, each has a unique composition to achieve a specific look and quality.

  • Country Manor Shake – Offers the realistic look of traditional wood shake shingles.
  • Rustic Metal Shingles – Rustic metal offers a plainer look than shake and can be installed over existing shingles due to its lightweight composition.
  • Oxford Metal Shingles – Oxford’s smooth appearance is popular with homeowners, and it aids in shedding snow quickly.
  • Slate Rock Oxford – Slate rock provides a little more depth than traditional Oxford for a three-dimensional look.
  • Grandetile – This metal shingle is designed to give the appearance of traditional barrel tile roofs found in the Southwest.
  • Clicklock Standing Seam – This is the traditional metal roof found on most residential homes offering 12” wide seams.
  • Universal Standing Seam – Get the best combination of value and performance with this roof system.
Metal Roofs Services in Des Moines, IA

Why Choose a Metal Roof?

When you compare the cost of a metal roof to asphalt shingles, you might wonder why a homeowner would pay more for metal when asphalt provides years of protection and is available in various styles and colors. These are some of the main reasons customers choose metal.

  • Durability – A metal roof will cost more upfront than an asphalt shingle roof. However, it will last twice as long and typically have extensive warranties.
  • Environmentally Friendly – Metal roofs are made from recycled materials, whereas asphalt shingles are a petroleum product. Also, since asphalt shingles don’t last as long, they require more frequent replacement and generate more waste.
  • Energy-Efficiency – Another benefit to offset the higher upfront cost is that homeowners will save on heating and cooling costs over the years with better insulation of a metal roof.
  • Style – Since we can paint metal, you can choose a color to match your home perfectly. Even if you go with traditional standing seam metal, you can create a unique look.

Give Your Home the Protection It Deserves

When investing in a home, it’s essential to make necessary upgrades over time to keep it in good condition. Some updates, such as metal roofing, have a more considerable payback and significantly increase your home’s value if you decide to sell. Contact Bryan Exteriors for a free estimate for a new metal roof and learn about the benefits it will bring to your home.

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