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Design Your Dream Bathroom

Are you bored with your current bathroom? Our bathroom renovation services in Des Moines, IA, allow you to create an attractive and comfortable new space. When you work with the bathroom remodeling contractors at Bryan Exteriors, you can expect great service from our first consultation until the job is complete.

Bathroom Remodeling in Des Moines, IA

Bathroom Remodeling & Renovation Basics

A bathroom remodeling project can be something simple, like a makeover, to something more complex, such as a full renovation. Our bathroom remodeling contractors will meet with you to discuss what you want from your project as well as your budget. We will then create a plan for remodeling and discuss the details with you to determine if this plan will accomplish all of your goals.

What to Expect From the Process

After meeting with our bathroom remodeling contractors and selecting all the materials and elements for your project, we will set up a schedule to determine how long your project will take. Depending on what is included in your bathroom remodeling project, we may be able to complete it in two to three weeks, though it can take up to six weeks if more time is needed to obtain building permits or get certain materials. We strive to provide fantastic results while working as efficiently as possible to avoid disrupting your day-to-day life as much as possible

Benefits of Bathroom Remodeling

Thinking about bathroom remodeling ideas? There are many ways to renovate and customize this part of your home. Bathroom remodeling services offer numerous benefits, including:

  • Creating a Safer Space – One of the most common reasons people invest in bathroom renovation is to create a safer space. Over time, flooring, countertops, and other elements in the bathroom can become damaged and present safety hazards. Even without these concerns, safety can still be a priority for people who are older or have a disability. Bathroom remodeling can create a safer space that includes grab bars and other safety features.
  • Enhancing Functionality – Bathroom remodeling services can also create better use of your space, letting you design a layout that makes your bathroom work better.
  • Boosting Energy Efficiency – New bathroom features, such as new lighting or a new toilet, can also create a more energy-efficient space, which will help you save money on utility bills.
  • Improving Appearances – Bathroom renovations aren’t just great for safety and savings; they’re also great for showing off your style. You can design your dream bathroom, creating a spa-like environment that allows you to feel more comfortable at home.
  • Increasing Your Home’s Value – You can also increase the value of your home by investing in a bathroom renovation. This is especially helpful if you plan to sell your home in the future.

Try Our Other Services

Now that your dream bathroom is a reality, you can focus on other aspects of your home. We offer a range of services to help you keep your home in great shape, including:

  • Siding – Enhance your home’s exterior with new siding installation. This can protect your property while also improving its appearance.
  • Window and Door Installation – Keep your home up to date with new windows and doors that combine safety and energy efficiency.
  • Exterior Painting – Are you ready to try something new with your home’s exterior? Let us help with our exterior painting services.
  • Interior Remodeling – If you have other rooms you want to remodel, we would love to help you design and build your ideal spaces.

Contact Bryan Exteriors

If you are ready to start your bathroom renovation in Des Moines, IA, you can contact the bathroom remodeling contractors at Bryan Exteriors. We will discuss your bathroom remodeling ideas and create a design you are sure to love.

Call for an Estimate